"What is Biltong" is written in white text across a photo of a South African flag laying on some biltong steaks

Discover Biltong: The Quintessential South African Snack

What Is Biltong?

 Ah, biltong. If you've yet to experience this culinary gem, you're in for a real treat. This isn't just any snack; it's a deep dive into a rich cultural heritage, a taste that transports you straight to the heart of South Africa with every bite.

So, what's the scoop on this beloved treat, and how did it become such an integral part of South African culture? Let's unwrap the story of biltong, from its humble beginnings to its status as a national treasure.

At first glance, biltong might just seem like another jerky. But oh, it's so much more! Biltong is a uniquely South African snack that boasts a rich, savory flavor, thanks to its meticulous air-curing process.

Marinated in a concoction of vinegar and spices like salt, pepper, coriander, and sometimes a kick of chili flakes, biltong is a culinary masterpiece. While beef is the most popular choice, adventurous palates can find biltong made from ostrich, kudu, springbok, and even wildebeest.

The term "biltong" itself is a nod to its preparation - "bil" meaning meat in Dutch, and "tong" signifying strips. So, "biltong" perfectly encapsulates what it is: strips of seasoned, air-cured meat.


fatty biltong sliced


Where Is Biltong From?

Biltong's roots run deep, tracing back over 400 years to the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa, including regions like Zimbabwe, Botswana, and predominantly South Africa. Initially, the method was simple - salt the meat and let the African sun do the drying. However, the arrival of European settlers, known as "Voortrekkers," revolutionized the biltong-making process with the introduction of vinegar soaking and an expanded spice palette. This fusion of indigenous and settler techniques gave birth to the biltong we know and love today.

A testament to the adage "if it isn't broken, don't fix it," the recipe for biltong has remained largely unchanged. Its enduring presence is a testament to its perfection - a savory slice of South African culture that's as delicious as it is storied.

Biltong is without a doubt, one of the most defining parts of South African culture, and it is easy to see why once you have tasted it! 

Get your first taste of Biltong, or become a repeat offender as so many of us do. Click HERE for 10% OFF your first order today.

If you have any questions about this blog or just about Biltong in general, please feel free to contact us here.

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